Governor-Elect Healey will become the second Democrat to hold the office of Massachusetts since 1991


After being projected to win the Governor's race in Massachusetts, Healey will become the second Democrat to hold the office since 1991, the AP News projected.
Attorney General and projected Governor Elected Maura Healey.Paul Hammersley / Flickr

Democratic Attorney General Maura Healey has been projected to win the governor seat of Massachusetts, and this will mark the second time since 1991 that a Democrat got a chance to hold office.

Since 1991, Republicans had held the corner office at the Statehouse for all but eight years when Democrat Deval Patrick was Governor. Patrick served two terms as Governor of Massachusetts from 2007 to 2015.

Massachusetts seems to lean more toward Democratic beliefs as the years go by, making one question if a hardcore Republican leader will ever be elected.

Healey will also make history by becoming the state's first woman and first openly queer candidate to be elected to the Governor's office in the entire country.

Despite the fact that Healey is a Democrat, she has positioned herself throughout the campaign as the political heir apparent to current Republican Governor Charlie Baker.

For months, polls have consistently indicated that Healey will win by a landslide. In light of the fact that early voting has already begun and that Election Day is drawing near, a recent poll reveals that Healey has a commanding lead.

Healey said that should she emerge victorious in the election for Governor that will take place next Tuesday, she intends to double down on the tax relief package that Republican Governor Baker has long advocated for.

Healey characterized the need for tax relief and reform as "very vital," and in her own words, said:

I think it starts with looking at what Gov. Baker proposed: tax relief for seniors, for low-income folks, for middle-income folks, for renters — also changing the limits for the estate tax and supporting things like the earned income tax credit. I also think and have proposed a $600 per child tax credit for families that I think will help, especially in this time."

Every candidate contending for the Governor's seat had big shoes to fill, given Governor Baker's highest approval rating as a Republican, but Democrat members also adored him.

Obviously, this was a unique occurrence, and it is not difficult to predict if Healey, who campaigned as a Democrat, will ever be able to advance the state, but people can only wait and see.

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